The Diocese of Grafton (25 parishes) extends for about 500 kms along the north coast of News South Wales from Port Macquarie in the south to Tweed Heads in the north and inland to the Great Diving Range.
The coastal towns are renowned for their beauty, fabulous beaches, and recreational and professional fishing. It is a fertile area devoted to cattle raising, dairying and growing bananas, avocados, macadamia nuts and sugar cane. Many new cottage industries are opening up as people decentralise – exotic fruits, herbs, beer and spirit distilleries to name a few. Tourism is also a fundamental part of the economy for these areas. The sub-tropical climate is almost perfect all year round. Grafton, situated on a sweeping bend in the Clarence River and noted for its many jacaranda trees, is the Cathedral city. Grafton Diocese has seven (7) Mothers Union Branches:
Grafton Mothers Union in action in the Community
Audio Mia Mia The major project for our diocese is Audio Mia Mia. Click Here for the Audio Downloads |
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