The Diocese of North Queensland covers an area approximately three times the size of Great Britain or roughly the same size of the entire state of South Australia.
The Diocese is situated in the north eastern tropics of Australia, from near Mackay in the south to the border with Papua New Guinea in the north, incorporating the islands of the Torres Straits, and stretching west to the Northern Territory border. Although formerly regarded as a bush diocese, it is now mostly an industrial area, with vast mining developments at Mt Isa and on its southern coast. There is also an extensive sugar industry running along the coast from Mackay to Cairns, a substantial cattle industry on the western plains, and a growing tourist industry throughout its area. Within the Diocese there are 56 Parishes and Ministry Districts with 120 clergy caring for them. There are 5 Anglican Schools and Colleges within the Diocese: The Cathedral School located in Townsville, Trinity Anglican School and Wontulp-bi-Buya College in Cairns and Whitsunday Anglican School at Mackay. These schools and colleges are mainly separately incorporated entities. There are also 2 Aged Care and Retirement Villages, The Good Shepherd Home in Townsvile and Good Shepherd Lodge at Mackay. There are also 2 Convenience Stores, one located at Kowanyama and the other at Pormpuraaw in the Cape York area. The Diocese also supports 7 Anglican organisations and entities including Anglican Mothers Union Australia, Anglicare NQ, The Mission to Seafarers, Cursillo, Kidzlink, the Anglican Board of Mission Australia Auxiliary and The Brotherhood of St Barnabas. |
The Work of AMUA North Queensland
From continuing discussions about the future of MU in North Queensland, some good outcomes have evolved. Some changes we have made include:
1. Reorganisation of departments into four units: Faith and Policy, Communication, Action and Outreach, Finance and Administration.
2. Combined Education and Promotion & Development Departments – now Education and Promotion
3. Diocesan President is responsible for Finance and Administration
4. Reduced the number of Vice Presidents from six to three
5. Vice Presidents Area of responsibility now cover three geographical areas:
6. Vice Presidents each responsible for one of the following units: Communication, Faith and Policy, Action and Outreach.
7. Reviewed and Updated our Diocesan Rules and Regulations
8. Diocesan Conferences held twice in three years with training in the other year.
9. Diocesan Executive made up of President, Secretary and Treasurer, 3 Vice Presidents, Publications, Education and Promotion, Diocesan Member Correspondent, Overseas and Northern Outreach, Social Issues and Action, Prayer and Spirituality, Immediate Past President.
As part of these ongoing plans, we have continued to meet together in different areas of the Diocese and these have been fairly well attended. They have also been very valuable for the promotion of AMUA.
Most Branches are fairly active. Many focus particularly on the Objects of MU which is pleasing. Branches are looking outward in most cases which is also pleasing. Making rugs for youth shelters, providing toiletries for women’s shelters and collecting food for the homeless are just some of the ways that MU members are reaching out to their communities.
Each year the Diocese looks at what Mothers Union are doing around the world. We have traditionally undertaken a “Country of study” format, but this has evolved from study of a full country, e.g. Kenya in 2015, to making a focus on our Link Dioceses. We believe that this has helped us to become more aware of what life is like for our MU sisters and brothers on a more personal basis. It also helps remind us of how blessed we are to live in this part of God’s creation. So for 2018 we are looking at the Diocese of Masindi-Kitara in Uganda.
We are very grateful to MU Australia and also MU in the Diocese of Sydney for their financial support of our Diocese. North Queensland is a vast diocese with air flights the only means of travel from some parts. We support our remote members by sponsoring the cost of one delegate to attend the Diocesan Conference and / or the Training days. We also fund travel for our Vice-Presidents to attend Executive Meetings.
Sadly, we have had some Branches closing. However we are also seeing a new way of moving ahead, with the format of “Friendship Groups”. This is a less formal grouping without the need for office bearers and monthly meetings. This seems to be working well throughout the Diocese with groups still focusing on the Objects of MU, and outreach to the community and to those in need continues.
Change is sometimes a painful process, but if we do not change then we will not grow. We have more talking and sharing to undertake in the future, but with our new structure now in place we look forward to a bright future. Please continue to pray for MU in North Queensland.
1. Reorganisation of departments into four units: Faith and Policy, Communication, Action and Outreach, Finance and Administration.
2. Combined Education and Promotion & Development Departments – now Education and Promotion
3. Diocesan President is responsible for Finance and Administration
4. Reduced the number of Vice Presidents from six to three
5. Vice Presidents Area of responsibility now cover three geographical areas:
- Cape and islands north of Daintree River
- Areas north of Tully River to the Daintree River
- Areas south of Tully River to the southern diocesan biorder
6. Vice Presidents each responsible for one of the following units: Communication, Faith and Policy, Action and Outreach.
7. Reviewed and Updated our Diocesan Rules and Regulations
8. Diocesan Conferences held twice in three years with training in the other year.
9. Diocesan Executive made up of President, Secretary and Treasurer, 3 Vice Presidents, Publications, Education and Promotion, Diocesan Member Correspondent, Overseas and Northern Outreach, Social Issues and Action, Prayer and Spirituality, Immediate Past President.
As part of these ongoing plans, we have continued to meet together in different areas of the Diocese and these have been fairly well attended. They have also been very valuable for the promotion of AMUA.
Most Branches are fairly active. Many focus particularly on the Objects of MU which is pleasing. Branches are looking outward in most cases which is also pleasing. Making rugs for youth shelters, providing toiletries for women’s shelters and collecting food for the homeless are just some of the ways that MU members are reaching out to their communities.
Each year the Diocese looks at what Mothers Union are doing around the world. We have traditionally undertaken a “Country of study” format, but this has evolved from study of a full country, e.g. Kenya in 2015, to making a focus on our Link Dioceses. We believe that this has helped us to become more aware of what life is like for our MU sisters and brothers on a more personal basis. It also helps remind us of how blessed we are to live in this part of God’s creation. So for 2018 we are looking at the Diocese of Masindi-Kitara in Uganda.
We are very grateful to MU Australia and also MU in the Diocese of Sydney for their financial support of our Diocese. North Queensland is a vast diocese with air flights the only means of travel from some parts. We support our remote members by sponsoring the cost of one delegate to attend the Diocesan Conference and / or the Training days. We also fund travel for our Vice-Presidents to attend Executive Meetings.
Sadly, we have had some Branches closing. However we are also seeing a new way of moving ahead, with the format of “Friendship Groups”. This is a less formal grouping without the need for office bearers and monthly meetings. This seems to be working well throughout the Diocese with groups still focusing on the Objects of MU, and outreach to the community and to those in need continues.
Change is sometimes a painful process, but if we do not change then we will not grow. We have more talking and sharing to undertake in the future, but with our new structure now in place we look forward to a bright future. Please continue to pray for MU in North Queensland.