The Diocese of Willochra is an enormous Diocese, covering over 90% of South Australia, with considerable distances between each centre of population. There are about 80 little congregations spread throughout the Rural North and West of South Australia.
It was formed in 1915 and by that time a number of MU branches were already established: 1911 Balaklava; 1896 Port Pirie; 1961 Maitland. MU is alive and well in the Diocese of Willochra. MU in Willochra is a diverse group of people, scattered across a wide area of South Australia with many and varied local interests. They continue to be a ‘little tribe with a big vision’. Lady Day 2024 Monday 8th April 10.30am for 11.00am Service Christ Church Balaklava (Cnr Humphry & Scotland Streets) Includes presentation of member Service Awards – please bring banners. Followed by pooled lunch and time of sharing Morning tea provide on arrival Produce Table for Bring and Buy toward Willochra Bursary Project Publication Table sales |
The Work of AMUA Willochra
Moving with the times ?
Outreach Activities
Moving with the times ?
- Travelling is posing a hurdle with large distances, and the cost of travel in our Diocese. Electronic communication with the internet, Zoom and Facebook assisting with this. We always enjoy the opportunities to meeting in person for special occasions such as Lady Day and Mary Sumner Day. The current membership is approx. 60 members including Diocesan members with 7 branches.
- Even though many of our members are ageing they are prepared to assist their church, community and AMUA Australia.
Outreach Activities
- Quickest warmth, with a branch in Pt Lincoln, Mission to Seafarers and Anglicare Willochra are our mission focus
- Primary school breakfast club
- Emergency Toiletry packs for local hospitals
- Communication at all levels is vital for MU in our diocese and in our branches to continue to be vibrant and viable. By focusing on our diversity we bring together an exciting range of activities, thoughts and skills.