1. Parenting Articles from Mothers' Union UK
2. Sharon Kirk, MU DP & Community Education Coordinator, Anglican Counselling Service
- Diocese of Armidale has written a series of articles relating to Parenting - as published below:
- Getting ready for the birth of your baby
- Stay at home or return to work after the birth of your baby
- Responding to sibling rivalry
2. Sharon Kirk, MU DP & Community Education Coordinator, Anglican Counselling Service
- Diocese of Armidale has written a series of articles relating to Parenting - as published below:
- Technology and Childhood
- The Changing Face of Parenting
- Growing Kids of Character
- Building Marriages
- The Legacy of a Grandparent
- Denied Innocence
- Investing in the Future
- Single Parenting
- Time for a Parenting Stocktake
- Where is happiness found?
- Why Marry
- Good parenting and Grandparenting
- very useful with many links for grandparents to follow up ...and an Australian Federal Government initiative.