Prayers for Australian Floods
Loving God of all creation
look on those whose lives have been stricken by the flooding of large areas of our country,
Be with those who weep for loved ones lost
Comfort those whose homes are gone
Strengthen those whose livelihood has disappeared
We see your face In the steadfastness of tireless rescue workers,
In the generous hands of friends, neighbours and strangers
In the guidance of our leaders
In the words and prayers of countless people
Give us the courage to rebuild our land renewed in hope
through Jesus Christ our risen Lord. AMEN
Prepared by Bronwyn Fryar
Lord, have mercy on the people in the flooded places of this nation,
We pray for the emergency services workers.
Keep them safe as they protect lives and property.
We pray for the organisers of rescue and relief efforts.
Guide their decisions as they allocate resources and plan ahead.
Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for the people whose homes and belongings have been damaged or lost.
Stay close to them, and give them strong friends and helpers to support them.
We pray for the people who have been evacuated or who are waiting anxiously.
Give a calm spirit in times of stress and fear.
Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for the people whose livelihood is lost or threatened.
Give them courage and energy to face the future with hope.
We pray for the Anglicans with a role in sustaining community in this crisis.
Make their faith and prayer strong, and enrich their loving care for their neighbours.
Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for the people who have lost friends or family members to the floods.
Hold them in your care through the deep waters of grief.
We entrust to your eternal mercy the people who have died in the floods.
Bring them, in Christ, to everlasting life.
Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
Prepared by The Rev’d Dr Elizabeth Smith
look on those whose lives have been stricken by the flooding of large areas of our country,
Be with those who weep for loved ones lost
Comfort those whose homes are gone
Strengthen those whose livelihood has disappeared
We see your face In the steadfastness of tireless rescue workers,
In the generous hands of friends, neighbours and strangers
In the guidance of our leaders
In the words and prayers of countless people
Give us the courage to rebuild our land renewed in hope
through Jesus Christ our risen Lord. AMEN
Prepared by Bronwyn Fryar
Lord, have mercy on the people in the flooded places of this nation,
We pray for the emergency services workers.
Keep them safe as they protect lives and property.
We pray for the organisers of rescue and relief efforts.
Guide their decisions as they allocate resources and plan ahead.
Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for the people whose homes and belongings have been damaged or lost.
Stay close to them, and give them strong friends and helpers to support them.
We pray for the people who have been evacuated or who are waiting anxiously.
Give a calm spirit in times of stress and fear.
Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for the people whose livelihood is lost or threatened.
Give them courage and energy to face the future with hope.
We pray for the Anglicans with a role in sustaining community in this crisis.
Make their faith and prayer strong, and enrich their loving care for their neighbours.
Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for the people who have lost friends or family members to the floods.
Hold them in your care through the deep waters of grief.
We entrust to your eternal mercy the people who have died in the floods.
Bring them, in Christ, to everlasting life.
Lord, hear us. Lord, hear our prayer.
Prepared by The Rev’d Dr Elizabeth Smith
The Prayer of St Richard of Chichester
The Prayer of St Richard of Chichester is helpful in the days after Palm/Passion Sunday.
Thanks be to you, our Lord Jesus Christ,
for all the benefits which you have given us,
for all the pains and insults which you have borne for us.
Most merciful Redeemer, Friend and Brother,
may we know you more clearly,
love you more dearly,
and follow you more nearly,
day by day.
Thanks be to you, our Lord Jesus Christ,
for all the benefits which you have given us,
for all the pains and insults which you have borne for us.
Most merciful Redeemer, Friend and Brother,
may we know you more clearly,
love you more dearly,
and follow you more nearly,
day by day.