PRAYER Heavenly Father, creator of all that is, we know our relationships are often marred and not as you would have them to be. Give courage to those women who are in difficult and painful relationships, please provide a safe place for them and people to support them. In Jesus' Name. Amen
PRAYER Dear Lord, we pray that for those marriages where there is often conflict and abuse. May there be help and care at hand to support those who are helpless and alone. Amen
PRAYER Gracious Lord, when love is hard please help us to come to you and find rest for our troubled and hurt hearts. In Jesus' Name. Amen
PRAYER Gracious Lord, we are sorry that we have often not noticed those whose relationships are in deep distress. Help us to be more aware and supportive and loving as you would have us be. Amen
PRAYER We give you thanks Lord, that through Jesus' death and resurrection we are all one in Him and that no one can claim to be to be of a higher status. Give those women who feel oppressed strength for each day knowing that you care for them. Amen
PRAYER O God, you know there have been times when we have felt so discouraged, helpless and sad. Help us to look to you our Saviour and our God. Amen
PRAYER There are times when we feel exposed and don't know what love is like. Help us dear God to look to you and remember how much you loved us. Amen
PRAYER Dear God, we thank you that even when those we trust harm us may we have the assurance of your compassion and mercy on us. Amen
PRAYER Holy God, we thank you that in your justice you care for those who are in difficult relationships or oppressed. Please take care of them and comfort them. Amen
PRAYER Dear God, our hearts grieve for those who experience bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, slander and all types of evil behaviour. May they be rescued from these terrible relationships and know the mercy and kindness you alone can bring. Amen
PRAYER Our gracious God, when we despair and are broken help us to turn to you and find our refuge and help. Amen
PRAYER O God of truth, we trust your Word because you are faithful, help us to put our hope in you, and may you give us the hope which is yours alone to give. We especially pray for those who because of their abusive relationships feel helpless and hopeless that they will hope in you. Amen
PRAYER O God we remember that you have promised to carry our burdens.
We pray that you would help us to reach out to those who have suffered abuse and share their burdens also. Amen |
PRAYER Words can bring great blessing but also can be so hurtful, and painful. Help us almighty God to be protected from the harsh speech of others and also to guard our own tongues. Amen
PRAYER O God, we pray that our families will be places of joy, contentment and the true worship of you. Protect the children in families where there is much violence and neglect. Amen
PRAYER We thank you Heavenly Father that every single human being is precious in your sight. Thank you for your promise that absolutely nothing in all creation will be able to separate your children from the love of God revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. In whose name we pray. Amen