Around the Brisbane Diocese 2022
Brisbane Diocese is situated in the southern area of Queensland and covers an area of 542,000 sq. km. from the coastal beaches to the South Australian & Northern Territory borders, adjoining Rockhampton Diocese to the north, and Grafton Diocese to the south. There are 138 parishes.
The diocese covers a large area involving tourism, secondary industry, mining, sheep and cattle grazing, tropical fruit growing, wheat, sorghum and other crops, cotton and wine production, to name just a few diocesan diversities. On the east coast, and particularly in the southern area of the coast, are some of the best beaches in the country, while to the west of the Great Dividing Range the vast rolling plains give way further west to desert conditions. The Mothers' Union began in the diocese in 1904 in the Brisbane suburb of Milton. A MU branch, concerned about the many deaths of women and small children in the district, paid for a nursing sister, Miss Emma Packer, to visit the homes of the poor. She used a bicycle to go on her rounds. This was the beginning of "The Mothers' Union District Nurses' Association". That association, formerly known as St. Luke's Nursing Service, is now known as "Anglicare", a large Anglican Domiciliary Nursing Service. There are 1040 members in 55 branches (2018) and in 2016 we celebrated 110 years of Mothers' Union presence in the Diocese. Although the Diocese is facing the difficulties of an aging and declining membership, they continue to reach out to their communities. The friendship and support given to members and their families is unwavering, as is the prayer life of members, both personal and corporate. As a diocese the Mothers' Union reaches out to the community through its projects that are supported by Branches.
The Overseas and Outreach Dept. has a special responsibility to participate in the mission of the church. It has a role to play with other International Agencies, in the response to human need in the world. Mothers Union members contribute a portion of their subscription to the Fund and are encouraged to make further donations. Our Social Issues and Action Dept. challenges us in areas of same sex marriage, families living below the poverty line, and inhumane treatment of refugees and the welfare of families of prisoners. |
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